Scrapbooking Tips
Being stuck in doors for some people can be really challenging. While we're not on the front lines (and a huge thank you to anyone who is) it can sometimes take a toll on us sitting round with not much to do. I started my scrapbook well over a year ago and I recently found going back to it and filling out some pages was a very positive project for me during self isolation. Here are some of my tips for scrapbooking.
*Disclaimer - I do want you to know I am aware some of these things may not be possible to purchase during this time but if you have things like these around or are able to order then that is great*
I knew for a while I wanted to start a scrapbook because while I loved going through my memory box and seeing all these things like tickets from shows and pictures from old holidays but I thought it would be better to have them down in a book. Whenever I go somewhere I always buy postcards from that place. I don't send them I just keep them as memories so I wanted somewhere to put them. So, like everything I do, whenever I'm about to start a project I look to Pinterest for inspiration. I looked through deigns and different layouts to get an idea of what I wanted it to look like. I'm all about aesthetics so I wanted to make sure I had a clear vision for the book and Pinterest was perfect for that.
What You Need
Once you have an idea of what you want in the book it's then about getting the stuff together. For me I printed off a lot of photos and I often use apps where you can order free prints for this. I got the book itself from Hobby Craft and then added extra things like quirky post cards (mostly from Paperchase), accumulated all my tickets, polaroids and other keep sake items people had written for me. I also got glue sticks as I wanted to make the pictures look neat but I know some people choose to use patterned tape which can also be really nice as well.
Putting Together
A tip that I think is really helpful is before gluing anything down is organizing things into piles. That could be putting all the pictures and tickets from a certain event in one pile or all the post cards and pictures from a certain holiday in another so you then have them all together. You can also then decide what order they're going to go in in the book. For me I tried to do mine in as much chronological order as possible so the beginning of my book as a lot of old post cards and tickets from old holidays and concerts. Then as you go through you get to my first year of university and so on.
Play with Layouts
I don't care how long it takes me sometimes I will sit for ages trying to find the perfect layout with pictures and cards. I don't always want my pages to look the same. Sometimes I like a really basic and organised page while others I want a little busy and messy to make them fun. What I do is then lay them out where I want them to go first and I usually take a picture on my phone of the layout so I can remember exactly how it'll go.
Stick Them In
This tip is quite simple but my tip for anyone using glue sticks try and put the glue on the back of the picture on a different surface rather than in the book itself otherwise it's extra glue everywhere and will cause the pages to stick together.
And there you have it! There are my tips for putting together a memory scrapbook! Please make sure to send me any pictures of your scrapbooks out there @wordsofwallis on Instagram and Twitter!
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