Goals for 2020
So let's start a fresh! A new year new goals. No pressure, no expectations just goals I hope to achieve. Let's do it! (I should have posted this at the START of January however it was a busy month so don't judge me).
1) Read 8 Books
I didn't manage to complete this last year so I'm hoping to manage it this year.
2) Graduate University
A terrifying concept but I will be so proud when I've accomplished this.
3) Watch 70 Films I Haven't Seen Before
This is one of my favourites to do because it pushes me to watch new things.
4) Go on Holiday
Even if it's just a cute weekend away I'd really like to try and go away on some kind of holiday.
5) Write 20 Blog Posts
Really want to push myself to continue to work on this blog and grow and make it better and better.
6) Write 3 Chapters of Own Book
I will be doing this for my dissertation so the hope is once the first 3 are written I can continue on.
7) Go to the Theatre
Loved going last year and really miss seeing things on stage so hope to see something soon.
8) Visit a New Place
As much as I love visiting places I've been before it's always fun to go somewhere new.
9) Get a New Job (After Graduation)
I mean I have to do this but it's still a major goal for this year.
10) Try New Makeup Looks
I love makeup but have noticed to tend to stay safe and do the same looks I want to up my game.
What are your goals for 2020? Let me know in the comments!
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