Well-being Journey - KEEP LEARNING
What can I do to help my own well-being?
Blog number 4 is here and this time it's all about 'Keep Learning'. Comment below any thoughts on this blog and feel free to ask any questions!
What does 'Keep Learning' mean?
I think it's safe to say that some of us have a bad concept of the word 'learning' from school but learning doesn't just mean algebra and all of Henry the VIII's wives, it can mean a new skill or hobby. Learning or discovering a new interest helps you feel accomplished and therefore helps to boost your confidence.
I did a survey yesterday on what information would be beneficial to help boost your well-being and one person mentioned how they may not have a lot of time on their hands to do all of these new activities. This then rules out going to a night class etc. so I have come of with a couple of examples that may be good for people that don't have a lot of time:
- Learn to cook a new recipe - this was suggested on the NHS website under some examples of learning for mental well-being and I think it's a very good idea. You don't have to leave the house or take time out of your schedule because you have to cook dinner anyway! Might as well make it a learning experience.
- Learn an old/new hobby - this too was mentioned on the NHS website and wasn't something I myself had thought about. You don't always have to learn a new skill to benefit from the 'Keep Learning' well-being step. It can also be an old hobby like writing, drawing, making things (I personally scrapbook) and even knitting!.
- Scrapbooking - I have so many things and pictures in a memory box that I feel would look good in a scrapbook.
-Blogging - this one seems rather obvious but before I wrote these posts for University I did actually already have this blog and I would like to start writing more for it once again.
- Scarpbooking - I only started scrapbooking a few months ago and initially I had no idea where to begin! I had all of these tickets, postcards I'd bought from my travels and pictures of moments I wanted to put together in a fun way that also looked nice. So, you guessed it, I had to learn how to scrapbook well. I watched YouTube videos on how people scrapbook and I even delved into, one of my favourite sites, Pinterest to get a better idea. Learning these new layouts and ideas was really inspiring and made the process of accumulating all of my memories that much more fun. With visiting my parents I got access to my memory box (does anyone else out there have one?) and found some new things I could put in the scrapbook.
- Blogging - Now I didn't exactly have to learn this hobby but picking up the keyboard again (couldn't very well say pen could I) has been a lot of fun. But when I started my blog I had no idea how to design it in a way that I really liked so I turned to good old YouTube. I watched tutorials on how to edit text and colours and tu-dah! I also made effort with my social media pages and while this hobby does involve being in front of a screen quite a bit, seeing the finished product look exactly how you envisioned is so rewarding!
I did a survey yesterday on what information would be beneficial to help boost your well-being and one person mentioned how they may not have a lot of time on their hands to do all of these new activities. This then rules out going to a night class etc. so I have come of with a couple of examples that may be good for people that don't have a lot of time:
- Learning a new language - now this one may seem quite time consuming but perhaps you can download some lessons for your car or phone if you have to travel to and from work.- Learn to cook a new recipe - this was suggested on the NHS website under some examples of learning for mental well-being and I think it's a very good idea. You don't have to leave the house or take time out of your schedule because you have to cook dinner anyway! Might as well make it a learning experience.
- Learn an old/new hobby - this too was mentioned on the NHS website and wasn't something I myself had thought about. You don't always have to learn a new skill to benefit from the 'Keep Learning' well-being step. It can also be an old hobby like writing, drawing, making things (I personally scrapbook) and even knitting!.
What I plan to do:
- Drawing - I have loved this hobby for a couple of years now and my favourite thing is to challenge myself to draw new things.- Scrapbooking - I have so many things and pictures in a memory box that I feel would look good in a scrapbook.
-Blogging - this one seems rather obvious but before I wrote these posts for University I did actually already have this blog and I would like to start writing more for it once again.
- Drawing - Now I said before I've been drawing in my spare time for a while now. Connecting back to the last blog on 'Take Notice' I find the process of drawing very relaxing because my mind is focusing on one thing for a long period of time. I'm able to shut out the rest of the world and focus in on details and lines. I personally usually like drawing eyes with coloured pencils because there's so much detail I can hone in on but I wanted to try and learn to draw something new. So I decided to follow a step by step guide online of how to draw a Disney character. I chose Princess Aurora and although she isn't looking her best it was still fun to try something new and I felt accomplished when it was done.- Scarpbooking - I only started scrapbooking a few months ago and initially I had no idea where to begin! I had all of these tickets, postcards I'd bought from my travels and pictures of moments I wanted to put together in a fun way that also looked nice. So, you guessed it, I had to learn how to scrapbook well. I watched YouTube videos on how people scrapbook and I even delved into, one of my favourite sites, Pinterest to get a better idea. Learning these new layouts and ideas was really inspiring and made the process of accumulating all of my memories that much more fun. With visiting my parents I got access to my memory box (does anyone else out there have one?) and found some new things I could put in the scrapbook.
- Blogging - Now I didn't exactly have to learn this hobby but picking up the keyboard again (couldn't very well say pen could I) has been a lot of fun. But when I started my blog I had no idea how to design it in a way that I really liked so I turned to good old YouTube. I watched tutorials on how to edit text and colours and tu-dah! I also made effort with my social media pages and while this hobby does involve being in front of a screen quite a bit, seeing the finished product look exactly how you envisioned is so rewarding!
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