My 2018 Goals - Results
So at the beginning of the January I set myself 10 goals to complete throughout the year of 2018. For those who didn't read my blog about it at the beginning of the year, the reason I set goals is because I prefer them to resolutions. I don't believe you need a new year to change things in your life but instead a new year should present a chance to try new challenges. Now it's the new year it's time to look back on my challenges and see how many I completed. *Drum Roll*
My best friend, Chummy (aka Sasha) and I went in March and had what was without a doubt the best holiday I've been on. It feels cliche to say but it truly was magical. We met so many characters and some of the rides had been updated so felt like we were experiencing them again for the first time.
When it came to leaving I was an absolute mess and am still missing our magical little home. We plan to return in 2021 but we don't think we can't wait that long so fingers crossed for 2020.
I'm sure many people have said it but 2018 was challenging for me but I learnt so much and experienced many new things I'll never forget. 2019 is a year of kindness for me. Kinder to myself. Taking more time to do the things I love. I will talk more about this in my next blog where I will reveal my new goals for 2019!
1) Go to Disneyland Paris (Completed: 21.03.2018)
I did already have this booked in 2017 but it was to make sure I followed through with the plan and I most certainly did.My best friend, Chummy (aka Sasha) and I went in March and had what was without a doubt the best holiday I've been on. It feels cliche to say but it truly was magical. We met so many characters and some of the rides had been updated so felt like we were experiencing them again for the first time.
When it came to leaving I was an absolute mess and am still missing our magical little home. We plan to return in 2021 but we don't think we can't wait that long so fingers crossed for 2020.
2) Read 7 Books (Completed: 31.12.2018)
I literally only JUST managed to finish this by finishing my last book in the early hours of New Years Eve. I will be uploading a blog on the books I read very soon!3) Watch 40 Films I Haven't Watched Before (Completed: 02.06.2018)
I completed this a lot quicker than I thought I would but I really enjoyed this challenge. As much as I love returning to the films I cherish and re-watching them to death I realised there are so many amazing films out there I hadn't see yet. This challenge helped me to push myself to watch more films I hadn't seen or may not have watched before. Really glad I did this one.6) See Carrie Hope Fletcher (Completed: 31.03.2018)
I've been a fan of Carrie for so long so finally being able to see her perform live was so amazing. She was flawless and chatty and the evening was so fun. Being able to watch Carrie perform as herself was different but I hope some day in the future she does it again.7) Write 5 blog posts (Completed: 18.03.2018)
The reason for this challenge was to help get me in the flow of writing. I did really well at the beginning of the year with blogging and then halfway through I began to slack but this year you'll be seeing much more of me.8) Finish First Year of Uni (Completed: 30.05.2018)
The first year of Uni truly was a rollercoaster. I made new friends, I made some mistakes, I had hard times and some truly brilliant times. Overall it was an experience I will never forget. What I miss most of all is actually my accommodation room. Having my own bathroom was a luxury I took for granted.9) Move in to New House (01.09.2018)
My housing was sorted out a bit last minute but I ended up in a very nice home with a room I absolutely adore and really nice house mates.I'm sure many people have said it but 2018 was challenging for me but I learnt so much and experienced many new things I'll never forget. 2019 is a year of kindness for me. Kinder to myself. Taking more time to do the things I love. I will talk more about this in my next blog where I will reveal my new goals for 2019!
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