Goals for 2023

Last month I shared my results from my 2022 Goals list, now this week I wanted to share my new goals for 2023.  

For those of you who may not know each year instead of setting resolutions I set myself 10 goals. These are things I'd like to accomplish throughout the year but I tend to choose fun challenges rather than big life changing things. They are great to then reflect on at the end of the year. Some goals I build on each year or some are completely new things for me to try. I highly recommend it for anyone who likes a way of clearly seeing progress throughout the year. So, without further ado here they are: 

Read 11 Books 

Last year the goal was 10 and I managed to exceed the goal by reading 11 so I hope I manage to accomplish that this year. 

Watch 100 Films I Haven't Seen 

Last year the goal was 90 and I managed 99 so I was very close to 100 last year. This may be the last year I set to watch a certain number of films but we shall see how the challenge goes. 

Learn Some Sign Language 

Last year I was so busy I didn't manage this at all. I feel it's really important to learn sign language and would really love to be fluent eventually but for now even a few phrases would be good to know. 

Write 1 Blog a Month 

I had also set this for last year but unfortunately with getting a certain virus and hurting my back this one wasn't completed. Fingers crossed I manage it for this year!

Finish 2 Short Stories 

I miss writing and the past few years I've struggled to set the time to write more. With this goal I hope to make more time for writing and perhaps it will spark my motivation again to work on my novel. 

See 2 Live Performances 

Now we're *fingers crossed* getting back to normal I want to see more and more things live. 

Go Back Blonde 

I have had dark hair since I was 16 (that's 10 years!) but I am actually naturally blonde. I feel it is time to go back to my roots (quite literally). 

Save at least £4000 

I'm adulting and saving for a mortgage and I managed to save this amount in nearly 6 months so hopefully I can surpass it in 12! 

Go to Disneyland Paris 

Now, this is sort of cheating as it is already booked, but I like to put it on my list to make sure all goes ahead smoothly!

Do more Makeup Looks 

While I have been loving really simple makeup recently I do miss playing with makeup. I set this goal for myself a couple of years back and I came up with some really fun looks so I hope to accomplish this again. 

I'm excited to try and accomplish these this year! I would like to have a year where I get 10/10 goals so fingers crossed! I'd love to hear any goals you have set yourself in the comments below!

January Photo by Maddi Bazzocco - @maddibazzoccophotography (Instagram)
