Self-Care Tips and Routine

I don't know about anyone else but whenever I heard 'Self Care' I always pictured vloggers in fancy baths with bath bombs and candles. This image I'd created in my mind meant I never indulged in the concept of self care because I had a narrow idea of what it was and the bath back at my parents house was rather small and my feet hung out the end. Not very relaxing. My resistance to try self care, however, all changed this year.

According to NHS England, self care/self management 'is a term used to include all the actions taken by people to recognise, treat and manage their own health' (I shall leave the link to the NHS site down below). Another way of looking at self care is 'Me Time'. Spending time for yourself doing little things that make you happy and relaxed to help calm your mind and body and put you in a more relaxed state. When I recognised this I then started to weave my self care time into everyday life.

For anyone who deals with mental health, like myself, things like this really help if I'm having a rough time. Sometimes life can get busy and I feel I'm losing myself as I'm trying to do too much, so taking a step back and having some TLC time for myself is very healing and therapeutic.

I'm not an expert but, from personal experience, I think it's key to shape your 'Self Care Routine' to you and what you love. That can include the things you do and also how long you do things for. For some people an hour may be enough whereas some may take the whole day. Either way it needs to help YOU. Yes, YOU! YOUR mind. YOUR body. YOUR self care.

To give you some ideas I thought I'd share some of the things I do to unwind and relax during my self care times. The amount of time I have for each routine of self care varies on how much I need it at any given time.


I love books and I love reading but sometimes I don't always give myself enough time to just sit and relax with a cup of tea (you can choose any beverage you like) and just read. Reading really helps clear my head. I usually sit on my bed in a comfortable postion, put my phone away from me (so I'm not tempted to look at it) and just relax.
I've also found if I read before I go to sleep I drift off quicker than if I've been scrolling through my social media for hours.

Watch Something Happy/Easy

This may sound like a straight forward thing, just sitting and watching Netflix, but actually it's very important I pick the right thing to watch. I can't watch anything that I think will make me think or focus I have to watch something easy and fun. I tend to re-watch 'Gilmore Girls'. It's such a great show and always makes me feel good even if there's drama because it's never too intense. I tend to watch vlogs quite a lot as well. Louise Pentland's (SprinkleOfGlitter on YouTube) vlogs have been my go-to recently. I can't express how nice I feel after sitting and watching one of her weekly vlogs. Even if she herself has had a rocky week it's sometimes nice to feel I can relate and it makes her more human as opposed to just someone on a screen.
So, if you have a show that's easy watching try and go for that. For example, I adore 'Game of Thrones' but it's so intense I can't pick that during self care days.

Doing My Nails

For me there is something about having my nails freshly done that just makes me feel refreshed. I don't know if it's slightly connected to the fact my mum was a part-time nail technician so I have positive connotations to it but either way it helps.
With doing my nails there is a whole step by step process. I've done it so many times now it's like second nature so it just clears my head and I strangely like doing it. I also usually put an episode of something easy watching on, like I've mentioned before, so I don't feel I'm missing anything vital if I focus on my nails.

Having a Shower

This sounds like another straight forward one but sometimes if my hair needs washing and I'm feeling rubbish having a nice long shower is such a relaxing feeling.
I'll then come out and use some nice lotions or moisturisers so I feel refreshed before sitting down and drying my hair and straightening it. I always do this after any shower because I like my hair feeling smooth and not fluffy and all over the place.
You can do the same if you have a bath instead. I try to make the whole experience a bit of a spa/pamper session and I sometimes incorporate a nice cleansing face mask too.

Time Away From My Phone

I sound so annoying when I say this but I'm gonna say it anyway: time away from social media and my phone is really nice sometimes.
I'm one of those people that find other people boasting about how they 'don't use social media' annoying because that's all fine but don't make others sound bad just because they do. Having said that, I have noticed when I take some time away from my phone it's rather calming. It usually makes my day feel more productive which helps lift my mood as well.

Go Shopping Alone

I have found that the process of going into town and running little errands by myself or even just looking around on my own is really therauptic.
Do not get me wrong, I love going out shopping with friends and family but sometimes just mooching around and just having time for myself can helped me feel more recharged.
I understand for people with anxiety this can sound like your worst nightmare and for a while it was for me. I used to get nervous about looking around on my own but the more I did the more comfortable I got and now I really enjoy it.
I recently tried having a coffee and taking my book with me really good. I had a delicious drink and new surroundings to read in.

Tidying My Room

I never thought I'd say this but giving my room a proper clean and tidy is so damn nice! I recently did it with my uni room. I sorted under the bed, organised things, dusted, got rid of any washing up and  gave the floor a hoover and the end result really helped.
You know the old saying 'Tidy desk, tidy mind' I feel that kind of applies to rooms as well. Having everything cleaned gave me a space to breathe and I wasn't constantly staring at it thinking 'I have to do that later, I have to do that later'.
Also, whenever I'm doing a deep clean I put on some upbeat music and dramatically dance around like Mrs. Doubtfire in 'Mrs. Doubtfire'. The exercise can feel really good and set off all those happy chemicals in your head.

Now I am by no means saying that any of these things can cure mental health or fix something in your life but if you're having a bad time it's important to take time for yourself. Not everyone believes they have the time and I understand that. We all have personal commitments in our lives but like I said before, even if you just take the odd hour out of your day just to do something that calms you and relaxs your mind is crucial to your well being.
Not all the things above will work for everyone and I'm aware they seem like really simple and straight forward things but recently doing these things have helped me massively.
Remember self care is all about YOU. Find what works best for you and always try new things. I'm always looking to find new self care things and I'm very fortunate my cousin bought me a book for Christmas titled 'The Little Book of Self-Care: 200 Ways to Refresh, Restore and Rejuvenate' by Adams Media (which you can find online).

NHS 'Self-Care' :
